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Aenean quis facilisis massa. Cras justo odio, scelerisque nec dignissim quis, cursus a odio. Duis ut dui vel purus aliquet tristique.

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Morbi quis tellus eu turpis lacinia pharetra non eget lectus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec.

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In ornare lacus sit amet est aliquet ac tincidunt tellus semper. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019


The Elsa Speak application really helped me to improve pronunciation. Especially, I have difficulty saying 'Ch' and 'Sh'. With this application, I can see the progress that I have tried several times to justify its pronunciation.


Progress in pronunciation of 'Ch' and 'Sh'

Earlier I told that I had difficulty when the pronunciation of 'Ch' and 'Sh' in all words or phrases. I have tried how many times at that level to get the maximum score, but still can't. Finally, I watched a video about "How To Say" Ch "and" Ch ".

Speaking English: How to say Ch & Sh

After I watched this video I got much better progress than before. Like to pronounce the sound 'Sh' and 'Ch', that these two are similar. How, make sure the vocal cords don't vibrate so that they sound like the sound of 'sheh' and make sure your vocal cords don't vibrate so that it sounds like the sound of 'cheh'. The position of the tip of the tongue can go down behind the lower front teeth, or go up close to the dental cavity. However, the tongue blade is always close to the back of the tooth cavity.

The following is the progress that I have gotten after several attempts and watching videos.

Difficulty In Pronouncing 'Ch' and 'Sh'

The first time I used "Elsa Speak", I felt this application was very helpful for improving listening skills. This application is very similar to one of the subjects in semester 2 namely "Linguistic". In that course, we are taught every "Phonetic" sound in English.

When I started using this application, I initially got an always high score. However, as the level continued to increase my score in pronunciation dropped. I especially have a hard time saying "Ch" and "Sh" on tongue twisters. I have tried many times to perfect it, still can not. I have tried more than 8 times. The last score I got was 48% from 100%.

This is an example of my error in the pronunciation of "Ch" and "Sh" in 2 Phrases

- How much wood would woodchuck chuck?

- She sees shells she sells.

Then my pronunciation scores for each word "Ch" and "Sh" get a score of 60 from 500. I am really having difficulty pronouncing "Ch" and "Sh" when in a word or phrase.

- Check
- Paycheck
- Blank Check
- Cash a check

About Me

Hello, Everyoneđź‘‹ 

My name is Adelia Dwi Kurnia Shinta. You can call me Adel. My hobby is badminton. Since childhood I like sports. There are many sports that I like, but what I like the most is badminton. From badminton, I once dreamed of becoming a great athlete. This dream began when I first entered the 6th-grade badminton competition. In my first competition, I won first place. With this result, I am more diligent in practicing and more confident to realize my dreams. When I entered middle school I didn't practice alone anymore, but I had a coach. In Junior high school, I was given the opportunity to take part in a badminton competition at the provincial level and win 3rd place at the provincial level.

I chose the theme on this blog because I really like nature like grass. Apart from that, blue and green are my favorite colors. I like the color green because green can make eyes fresh when seen. Light blue is the color of the sea that can soothe the nerves of our eyes and never get bored to be seen.